Progress does not automatically exclude the insights, achievements and understandings of our past. Instead the cumulative learning helps us in understanding the new phenomenon that we come across in our search for new insights and meanings. 

As India enters ‘Amrut Kaal’, there is a need for leadership and policies, which can deliver on the aspirations of 140 crore people. These need to be based in the civilizational history of the country, while being forward-looking. Prachii Foundation is an Indian think tank set up to nurture corporate leaders who have absorbed Indic civilizational bodies of knowledge and use it in their practices and policies. The people behind this initiative have a sound appreciation of both the ancient and the current. Most of them are alumni of well-known educational institutions with rich experience in the corporate, social and political domains.


सुखस्य मूलम् धर्मः धर्मस्य मूलं अर्थः

The key driver that enables Dharma, which in turn enables attainment of happiness.


उद्योगिनं पुरुषसिंहमुपैति लक्ष्मीः

Sum total of efforts that enables attainment of prosperity for the largest segment of the society.


परस्परम् भावयन्तः श्रेयः परम् अवाप्स्यथ

Human interaction- stressing the complementarity between nature & human beings.

How do we achieve this vision

Prachii will work on `research-based action’ to provide frameworks, strategies, roadmaps, and insights via Mentoring & Learning programs. A combination of learning and mentoring process (by hands-on understanding of political and social issues) will enhance their overall leadership capabilities


पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः

We aim to create leaders, who are “economically responsible, socially sensitive and politically aware” and who blend the past wisdom with the current context to create a stronger tomorrow.

Delivery Mechanism

Delivery is via workshops, conferences, publication, and customized initiatives like experiential learning of current socio-economic-political contexts.


‘Any improvement in the economic conditions of the country postulates an increase in national wealth: a mere redistribution of existing wealth would make no essential difference to the people and would merely mean the distribution of poverty.’